Who are we?

Who are we?

ELM Music Therapy offers music therapy sessions in the North East of Scotland.

“I truly believe that everyone can engage, communicate and express themselves through the use of music. When I started ELM Music Therapy my goal was for as many people who needed it to be able to access music therapy in the North East of Scotland. I am delighted to be steadily growing a team of like-minded and extremely talented therapists.”

Emmeline McCracken
Music Therapist/ ELM Music Therapy Founder

Music Therapy

Music therapy uses the unique qualities of music as a non-verbal interaction between client and therapist.

In music therapy, people work with a wide range of instruments, music and their voices to interact and communicate, regardless of their musical ability to and create meaningful musical interactions. At ELM Music Therapy we also incorporate play, art and movement within our sessions in order to engage and communicate in whatever way is most appropriate for a client.

Music therapists aim to support clients’ communications in whatever way is necessary. At ELM we use a person centred approach to music therapy which is informed by psychodynamic thinking. Active music making and improvisation are the predominant therapeutic intervention methods. Music therapy is an established clinical intervention which is regulated but the Health Care Professions Council (HCPC).

Individual and group music therapy sessions are provided in many settings such as hospitals, schools, hospices, care homes, youth centres and at clients’ homes.

Who is Music Therapy for?

Sessions are client led and no prior musical knowledge or experience is required. Music therapy can help people of all ages with a range of differing needs including;

  • People with mental health difficulties
  • People with additional support needs, learning difficulties and profound and multiple learning difficulties.
  • People on the autistic spectrum
  • People with dementia or alzheimers
  • Offenders (youths and adults)
  • People who are at the end of life or with terminal diagnosis
  • Children and adults with cancer and other life threatening conditions
  • People suffering from post traumatic stress disorder
  • People acting as Young Carers.

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