Music Therapy in Schools

ELM Music Therapy works in a variety of different schools within Aberdeen and the shire.

Emmeline works primarily at Orchard Brae School in Aberdeen. Orchard Brae School is a school for children nursery aged pupils, 3 to school leavers 18 years old. Alongside small group and individual music therapy sessions at the school Emmeline also set up the North East’s first Makaton Choir. Orchard Brae School’s Makaton Choir has had a number of successes and created many wonderful experiences for pupils at Orchard Brae School. Including being frequently featured in local newspapers and on BBC News. 


ELM Music Therapy also work on an inclusion programme with Aberdeen Council. The programme aims to get children back to school or to help facilitate different learning pathways for children who find the conventional school curriculum challenging.

“Our setting is very fortunate to have Emmeline working alongside teaching and pupil support staff to meet the needs of a child with very, very complex and challenging behaviour needs. Through her calm, reassuring, nurturing approach coupled with her high level of musicianship and training she has built up a very strong relationship with the child. Through therapy sessions Emmeline allows the child a means for them to express their anxieties, concerns and feelings. Each session responds to the child’s emotional wellbeing at that time and is providing a context to both address specific situations, behaviours and incidents. Music therapy is having a significant impact on the emotional wellbeing of the child and the inclusion of peers with sessions have allowed the child to develop their social interaction skills and relationships with others.”

Susan Blair (Woodside Primary School)


Music Therapy Scotland 2017“Children at my school gain huge enjoyment and benefit from being supported with music therapy sessions.  The children are able to explore their emotions through the power of music and talk enthusiastically about their sessions with Emmeline. We have seen improvement in the childrens ability to share how they are feeling and the reports provided are useful when planning next steps.”

Marion Davidson (Muirfield Primary School)


ELM Music Therapy are a registered provider for Aberdeenshire Council’s Learning Pathway Plus. Emmeline and Nadine are currently providing music therapy sessions for a number of different primary and secondary schools within Aberdeenshire.